Tissue Culture Produces Plants of Superior Productivity and Quality!
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Phytoclone has a half million multi-line production capacity and grows over one hundred varieties of ornamental and edible plants. All liners are produced in Quebec and are solely Canadian.

Hardy roses
Among these, the Oscar Peterson and Chinook Sunrise roses from Vineland Research and Innovation Center, winners of the 2020 gold medal in the "Groupe Fleurs groupées" category of the International New Rose Competition in Nyon (Switzerland)!

Clématis and others climbings plants
More than 70 varieties, including the favorite Jackmanii or Rhapsody (Fretwell).
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Hardy barberry for a touch of originality since the foliage can turn purple, yellow, or red, depending on the season and the variety.

For additional information on highbush and lowbush blueberry, lingonberry, blackberry, cherry and hascap visit Lareault Nursery.
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